B God is the all powerful creator and sustainer of the Universe.───上帝是宇宙间万能的创造者和支撑者.
Yet another study is exposing the horrid treatment of workers by the all-powerful meat industry.───又一项研究揭露全能的肉类产业对待工人是何等恐怖。
once all-powerful dollar isn't doing a Titanic against just the pound.───曾经无所不能的美元如今已经无法与英镑匹敌了。
Nexium, Preacid and Prilosec are all powerful heartburn drugs, widely promoted and just as widely used.───拉唑镁, 兰索拉唑和奥美拉唑都是强效的治疗胃灼热药物, 被广泛推广和使用.
Money isn't all powerful. It can't buy many things such as time, true love and happiness.───钱不是所有的权利, 它不能买许多东西,例如时间 、 真爱和幸福.
I know one secret weapon they have; their God is all-powerful--he destroyed us once, and he might again.───我知道他们拥有的秘密武器;他们的信仰非常强大,可以一次又一次地毁灭我们。
As comment 4 suggested, the consumer is all powerful but often doesn't know it.───正如评论4所说, 消费者有强大的力量,但并不了解情况.
He has only limited power, although he would like us to think he is all powerful.───他虽然令人觉得他是无所不能, 但其实只是能力有限.
He promised to demystify the all-powerful presidency and make it more accountable to congress and the voter.
Democraticgovernment gradually took the place of an all-powerful monarchy.
If he was all-powerful and all-good, he could prevent the suffering but didn't.
Father, plead, ingratiate and abase yourself before your all-powerful children!
The all-powerful steering committee continued to exercise control.