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时间:2022-09-25 20:03:34 作者:语文迷 字数:2650字


He is a butcher


卖肉───Selling meat;他───he


We steer clear of that street vendor selling "Meat Soup" and "Food Burritos."───我们会避开街头卖“肉汤”和“小脆饼”的小贩。

People would reduce the size of their herds, selling some and slaughtering the best to preserve the best meat to see them through the hard times.───人们会减少牛群的数量,卖掉一些,杀掉最好的牛,保存最好的牛肉,以度过艰难的时期。

Brazilian authorities investigating illegal deforestation have accused the suppliers of several UK supermarkets of selling meat linked to massive destruction of the Amazon rainforest.───调查非法毁林的巴西当局指责,一些英国超市供应商所售的肉类,与大规模破坏亚马逊雨林的活动有关连。

We steer clear of that street vendor selling "Meat Soup" and "Food Burritos. "───我们会避开街头卖“肉汤”和“小脆饼”的小贩。

He noted that several retailers, Chinese and foreign, had previously been caught selling meat products past their sell-by dates.───他指出,多家零售商(无论是中国的还是外国的)早先都曾被发现销售已过保质期的肉类产品。
