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时间:2022-09-26 08:05:26 作者:星火作文 字数:2740字


Heartless bee


负心───Be ungrateful;蜜蜂───honeybee


Don't be arrogant; be modest and sincere . Don't be ungrateful; repay kind acts.───不做骄傲自恃的人, 要做谦和敦厚的人; 不做忘恩负义的人,要做感恩图报的人.

It ill beseems you to be ungrateful.───你不像是忘恩负义的人.

'Come, come , Mr. Barsad!'exclaimed Sydney.'Don't be ungrateful.───“ 好了, 好了, 巴萨 先生, ”西德尼叫道, “ 别忘恩负义了.

What in the dickens did he give me to be ungrateful about?───他究竟给了我什么可以骂我忘恩负义 呢 ?

Don't be ungrateful, at any time, any things.───不要忘本,任何时候,任何事情。

I don't think any of us can afford to be ungrateful to the present age.───我认为我们每一个人都不会不对现在这个时代心存感激。

I have never known men of ability to be ungrateful.───我从来没有见过真正有能力而不知道感恩的人。

That he should be ungrateful cuts her to the heart indeed.───他竟然忘恩负义,这实在令她伤心.


Truly I should be ungrateful if I failed to mourn for the man who gave me my lovely heart.

'Come, come , Mr. Barsad!'exclaimed Sydney.'Don't be ungrateful.