Welcome new colleagues
Now, my colleague and I would like to take questions.───下面, 我和我的同事愿意回答大家的提问.
He had been invited to sup with a colleague and his wife.───他已经受邀和一位同事及其夫人共进晚餐。
a colleague of mine from the office───我办公室的一位同事
He was too embarrassed to bring it up in front of the colleague.───有同事在座,他没好意思说.
Heand his colleague Ingrid Storm looked at liberals and conservatives ( in theAmerican senses of the words ).───他与他的同事英格里德·斯道姆对自由主义者和保守主义者 ( 美国人的语言方式 ) 进行了观察.
He'd had a steamy affair with an office colleague.───他曾和办公室里的一个同事有过一段热辣的婚外情。
They rated him highly as a colleague.───作为同事,他们对他评价甚高。
Wave: About this, you must go to ask your China's colleague.───波: 关于这个, 你得去问你们中国的同仁.
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