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时间:2022-09-26 12:02:48 作者:学习啦 字数:2592字


Commercial supervision


商监───Commercial supervision


On the basis of this, it constructs a management system of credit risk of commercial banks from the aspects of outside supervision, restriction system, inside controlling, micro-management means etc.───在此基础上,从外部监管、约束机制、内控制度及微观管理工具等方面构建起商业银行的信用风险管理体系;

We should also strengthen the construction and perfection of the control system inside the commercial bank of our country while strengthening outside financial supervision.───我们在加强外部金融监管的同时,还应强化我国商业银行内部控制系统的建设和完善。

In recent weeks, the central bank has been rolling out a tougher supervision system to try to ensure that commercial Banks next year will adhere to often-ignored lending quotas.───最近几周央行一直在推行一项更严格的贷款监督机制,以确保各商业银行明年能严格遵守以往常常被忽略的贷款额度限制。

On Innovation of the Methods and Measures in Industrial and Commercial Supervision and Management───关于工商行政监管方法和手段创新的思考
