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时间:2022-09-26 16:01:11 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3412字






Zhou , Li . ( 2008 ) . The Dissociation of egocentric mental rotation and allocentric mental rotation rotation effect.───〈自我和物体为参照系的心理旋转分离:内旋效应〉.

Results: The recognition and preferred tests showed experimental dissociation. The perfect attitude was implicit.───结果: 再认测验和偏好测验出现了实验性分离,完美态度具有内隐性.

Hammer grinder with high grinding rate can fully increase the starch dissociation rate.───锤式粉碎机,破碎率高,能充分提高淀粉的游离率.

It only has a dissociation energy of. 1 kilojoules per mole.───它的离解能只有0。01千焦每摩尔。

dissociation constant of the reagent was determined in aqueous solution.───测定了试剂在水溶液中的离解常数。

The antibiotic activity and valency connect with transfer efficiency and dissociation constant.───抗菌活性和抗生素效力与能量转移效率和解离常数有关.

The two components of memory were dissociated by a post - test dissociation procedure.───此两类记忆以[测验后分离法]分离.

The acid dissociation constants of PAPAQ and PACPAQ were determined by spectrophotometric method.───用光度法测定TPAPAQ和PACPAQ的酸离解常数.


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Ly-GDI is the lymphoid-specific guanosine diphosphate (GDP) dissociation inhibitor.

Right axis shows the ratio of dissociation constants for a mutant and wild-type receptor.

The slow kinetics of antigen-antibody dissociation, unfortunately, precludes using antibodies in reversible sensors for continuous monitoring.

Nevertheless the association or dissociation of the lead isotope signatures for ancient glasses contributes to the overall technological picture for them.