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时间:2022-09-26 16:02:14 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2739字


I'm not sure about that




For a minute he looked uncertain, and then recovered his composure.───有一小会儿他看上去有些迟疑不定,之后又恢复了镇定。

How far the republics can give practical help, however, is uncertain.───然而,这些共和国究竟能够提供多少切实可行的帮助还未可知。

The prognosis for the economy is uncertain.───对经济的前景预测还不确定.

Though the future was uncertain, he made a commitment to writing and sold his jazz bar.───虽然未来是不确定的, 他投身写作,卖掉了爵士乐酒巴.

They maintained an uncertain attitude.───他们持一种暧昧的态度.

The sandbank was uncertain, like quicksand under his feet.───那个沙坝并不稳固,他脚下如同踩着流沙一般。

Our future looks uncertain.───我们似乎前途渺茫。

I own to being uncertain about that.───我坦白承认对那件事还没有把握.


The police are still uncertain of the murderer's identity.

He was uncertain how much further he could walk.

The outcome is still uncertain.

The police are still uncertain of the casualty's identity.

He was uncertain as to which road to take.