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时间:2022-09-27 04:01:15 作者:星火作文 字数:3012字


Goodbye, Miss Xu


徐老师───Mr. Xu;再见───bye


What I'm doing is trying to expand the good things,' says Mr. Xu.───我所做的就是努力把好事做大,”徐墨笑说。

Mr. Xu said he has sought but not yet received formal notice of the rejection from the court.───徐律师说,他已经请求法院下达正式的驳回起诉通知,但一直未收到。

Two days later, Mr. Xu was released.───两天后,徐被释放了。

It's been a pleasure talking with you. Mr. Xu. You are one of the best negotiators I've ever know.───我觉得与你洽淡是一种乐趣,你是我知道的最好的谈判员之一。

Hear the telephone that reply, Mr Xu angry unceasingly, request the local police continue to investigate the matter.───听到电话那头的答复,徐先生气愤不已,请求当地警方继续调查此事。

Li Xiongbing, a lawyer working with the Open Constitution Initiative, said he believed it was now much less likely Mr Xu would be indicted.───公盟律师黎雄兵表示,他认为现在许志永被起诉的可能性已大为降低。


This afternoon just rushed to Shanghai, Mr. Xu hurried to the funeral parlor.

Mr. Xu said he has sought but not yet received formal notice of the rejection from the court.

He is having the final talk about shipment with Mr Xu , before singing the formal contract.

Recalling Mr. Xu Zhimo, what impressed me most were his silver grey eyes.

In order not to lose face , Mr. Xu would not fetch the gruel himself.