You are the one
The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux.───那本书的灵感源于一个真实人物,即塔玛拉·德特罗。
Three major damage mechanisms, namely fault rupture, wave propagation, and soil liquefaction, are considered.───文中考虑三种主要的损坏机制, 即断层错动 、 震波传递 、 以及土壤液化.
To be a namely piper it is necessary to study for 7 years.───要做个著名的笛手,需要学习七年.
Best to be being achieved formerly support makes a whole commercial pattern namely.───对原创最好的支持就是打造一个完整的商业模式.
For broad sense, investment namely alleged cast oneself is all, take personal place to need.───想嫌钱,就必须投资,这是一个恒定的因果关系.广义来说, 投资即所谓投己所有, 取己所需.
One group of people seems to be forgotten, namely pensioners.───有一类人似乎被遗忘了,就是那些领养老金的人。
Generally, a lantern riddle consists of three parts, namely the riddle, the hint and the answer.───灯谜一般由三部分组成,即谜面、谜目和谜底。
And once lottery of traditional paper quality is missing namely come to naught.───而传统纸质彩票一旦丢失即化为乌有.
He could not do anything more than what he promised — namely, to look after Charlotte's estate.