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时间:2022-09-27 12:03:38 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3596字


Red pigment


红素───Red pigment


The stability of Gardenia red pigment was studied.───本文对栀子红色素做了较为全面的稳定性研究.

Iron is essential for the formation of haemoglobin, the red pigment in blood.───铁是必不可少的组成血红蛋白,红色颜料在血液。

The progresses in the research of red pigment in Parma ham were reviewed in this paper.───综述了巴马火腿红色色素研究的最新进展.

This subject use cochineal as raw material, red pigment composition of extraction and purification systems - depth study.───本论文较系统研究了以胭脂虫为原料制备胭脂虫红色素的工艺过程.

The extraction condition and the stability red pigment from euphorbia pulcherrima were studied.───研究了一品红色素的提取条件和稳定性.

The mouth bone, along with the rest of the body, was coated in a sacred red pigment.───嘴巴的骨头,连同其身体的其他部分,都涂上庄重的红色颜料。

It sounds paradoxical, because the idea behind this hypothesis is that the red pigment is made in autumn leaves to protect chlorophyll, the light-absorbing chemical, from too much light.───这听起来很矛盾,因为这一假设背后的理念是,树叶在秋天产生的红色素是用于保护叶绿素这种吸收光的化学物质,以免它吸收过多的光。

Capsicum ( Paprika ) red pigment is one of the most important natural edible pigments.───目前,辣椒红色素作为一种天然的食用色素已广泛引起人们的重视.


Haemoglobin is the red pigment found in blood.

Physico-chemical properties and extraction conditions of the red pigment in flowers of Hippeastrum vittatums were studied.

The results indicated that such red pigment had favorable stability for high temperature, natural light, common metal ions, carbohydrates, and reducing agents in acidic conditions.

Capsicum red pigment is regarded as a kind of very useful nature pigment.

Natural red pigment is directly extracted from natural Pyracantha fortuneana fruit by acidity ethanol.