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时间:2022-09-27 12:03:26 作者:学习啦 字数:2622字


Who will have dinner with me




You should knock their silly heads together.───你应设法使他们明白事理.

Leeks and potatoes go well together in a soup.───汤中放韭菜和土豆尝起来很对味.

They coupled the carriages of the train together.───他们把这些列车车厢连接起来.

It's time to set our differences by and work together for a common purpose.───该是我们抛开分歧,为一个共同的目的而协力工作的时候了.

Clamp the two pieces of wood together until the glue dries.───用夹钳把两块木板夹紧,等胶水干了再松开.

When you add all the figures together, the sum is 100.───把这些数字加起来, 总数是100.

The two pots are frozen together.───这两个罐子冻结在一起了.

They clung together when the time came to part.───分离的时候到了,他们紧抱着不肯分开.


Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort.

The secretary pinned the papers together.

Muck and money go together.

Gossiping and lying go together.

Every week they get together to make music .