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时间:2022-09-27 16:00:38 作者:语文迷 字数:2795字


Exposure to the sun


曝阳───Exposure to the sun


Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.───暴露在日光下会加快老化过程。

Exposure to the sun ages the skin.───太阳曝晒会使皮肤粗老。

Melanomas are more common if you have periodic intense exposure to the sun.───如果你定期暴露在强烈的阳光照射下,黑色素瘤会更常见。

Repeated exposure to the sun throughout life can result in liver spots, which are basically permanent freckles that do not fade away.───反复的暴露在太阳下,就会产生褐黄斑,这可是一种不会消失得顽固性雀斑。

and has learned herself some exposure to the sun each day (10-20 minutes is all that is necessary).───而她也学到了每天要在太阳下晒一会儿(需要10-20分钟)。

Exposure to the sun will not cause these drapes to fade: they are made of a color-fast synthetic material.───在阳光下暴晒将不会使这些窗帘褪色,因为它们是不褪色的合成材料制成的。


Skin cancer is often caused by too much exposure to the sun.

Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.

You should always limit your exposure to the sun.

His face is aglow from exposure to the sun.