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时间:2022-09-27 20:04:18 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2526字


Secret examination




She shook her dark curls sadly.───她悲痛地摇动她的黑色鬈发.

We were completely in the dark as to his future plans.───对他的未来计划我们全然不知.

Sue has long dark hair.───苏留着长长的黑发。

They kept on working after dark.───天黑了他们还继续工作.

They suffered many humiliations in those dark days.───在那黑暗的年月,他们受过许多屈辱.

The bandits laid for him in the dark.───歹徒们埋伏在暗处伺机攻击他.

Perk up a dark kitchen with a coat of paint.───把昏暗的廚房油漆一下使它更亮堂.

When soft woods are used for the firing, the clay turns dark from the smoke.───用软木烧制时,黏土会被烟雾熏暗。


Under cover of the dark, the dog was stolen.

Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky.

A good name keeps its luster in the dark.

The suspect has dark hair and green eyes.

There was a dark smudge on his forehead.