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时间:2022-09-27 20:05:13 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2874字


The twins get along well with their classmates


双胞胎───Horse hooves;同学们───Students


Suddenly the sound of hooves could be heard and seconds later a woman riding a black horse was visible.───突然一阵马蹄声传来,不久一个骑马的女子映入她们的眼帘。

Then she heard a sudden splashing of hooves and tony was gone. she opened the door a crack and saw frank leading a heaving stumbling horse into the carriage house.───接着,思嘉突然听到一阵马蹄溅水的声音,托尼走了,她打开一道门缝,看见弗兰克牵着一匹喘着气、跌跌绊绊的马进了马房。

Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were arguing over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped.───很多人都相信这个故事最初于1877年发生于美国,当时两个朋友在争论马在驰骋时四个蹄子是否都离地。

But the car comes equipped with the clip -clop sound of horse hooves hitting the pavement to alert pedestrians and other drivers.───但这款车配有类似马蹄敲击人行道的达达声,好提醒行人与其他驾驶人。


But the car comes equipped with the clip-clop sound of horse hooves hitting the pavement to alert pedestrians and other drivers.

On the dirt roads, horse hooves had stamped black spoiling marks over the white.