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时间:2022-09-27 20:05:38 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2877字


A green grass


绿草───Green grass;一颗───One


Your garden will be full of green grass and gay flowers.───你的花园将绿草成茵,姹紫嫣红.

The aphid eat green grass, the false eats soul.───蚜虫吃青草, 虚伪吃灵魂.

Patches of green grass had begun to appear in the blackened soil.───大片大片的绿草开始出现在发黑的土地上.

There are tall trees, green grass and beautiful flowers in it.───在它里面有高高的树 、 绿色的草、美丽的花.

BIG forest, high mountain, green grass and beautiful flowers.───巨大的森林, 高山绿草和美丽的鲜花.

Before silos were invented, cows gave less milk during winter because they had no green grass to eat.───筒仓发明之前,因为没有青草可以吃,奶牛在冬天产奶量减少。

Taihen order on green, grass green color into the curtain.───苔痕碧绿,长到阶上, 草色青葱,映入帘里.

In the football field the green grass looks like a carpet.───足球场上,绿草如茵.


The green frog jumps on the green grass.

Green grass sprouted from the mouldy, neglected thatched roofs.

Be the green grass above me, with showers and dewdrops wet; and if thou wilt, remember, and if thou wilt,forget. Christina G. Rossetti 

Moss green grass on the mark, in order LianQing color.

The green grass is cheery.