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时间:2022-09-28 12:04:58 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2765字


Zhang Xi


张熙───Zhang Xi


Keng Cun, Songyang County, Lishui City, ball Zhang, 2014 was included in the third batch of China traditional villages list.───丽水市松阳县樟溪乡球坑村,2014年被列入第三批中国传统村落名录。

Elicitation Xi 'an Normal inquiry teaching is more than twenty years of painstaking research Professor Zhang Xiongfei crystallization of teaching methods.───诱思探究教学法是西安师大张熊飞教授潜心研究二十余年教学方法的结晶。

After several film successes, Zhang was moved to a studio in Xi 'an.───几部成功的电影之后,张艺谋被调到西安的一个制片厂。

Long Zhang XI: "has always been such a State, then it's hard to say, that time can only be stopped. "───张龙喜:“一直是这种状态的话,那就很难说了,到时候就只能再停了。”

Long Zhang XI: "bad quotes, sales would have been difficult to move, Sheng are basically the situation now. "───张龙喜:“行情不好,销售就很难动了,现在盛泽基本上都是这样的状况。”

This is online map of the address "Zhang Xi Bao Zhen Zhao Cheng Bao Cun , Yongnian County, Handan City, Hebei Province, China" .───这是地址“中国河北省邯郸市永年县张西堡镇赵城堡村”匹配的在线电子地图。
