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时间:2022-09-28 20:04:27 作者:趣历史 字数:2680字


A black nose


黑鼻子───Black nose;一个───One


Partially or completely black nose.───部分或完全黑鼻子。

A big black bug bit a big black dog on his black nose!───一只大黑虫啃了一只大黑狗的大黑鼻子一口!

A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!───一个大黑臭虫咬住了一条大黑狗在他的大黑鼻子!

Every time when I see her round black nose, big bright eyes, and hairy paws, I just feel as if she's a real dog!───每当我看到它圆圆的黑黑的小鼻子,大而明亮的眼睛和毛茸茸的爪子的时候,我就感觉它是一条真狗。

When stalking seals on the ice, a polar bear was once seen to cover up its black nose with its furry paw so that it could not be seen!───当北极熊在冰面上捕食海豹时,它会用白色的前爪遮住黑色的鼻子,以此避免因为颜色的差异而被发现!

It has triangular ears, round eyes, a black nose and a small mouth.───它有三角形的耳朵,圆眼,黑色的鼻子和一张小嘴。


Erythrocebus of western Africa that are closely related to the guenons, especially E. patas, which has reddish fur and a black nose.