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时间:2022-09-29 04:00:53 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3355字


Anhui is to the west of Henan


安徽───Anhui;河南───Henan Province


Chinese brand forklifts - Anhui Heli Forklift and hand truck Yake Di designated agents.───中国名牌叉车 —— 安徽合力叉车及亚克迪手动叉车指定的代理商.

Anhui Province Wu He County youth country fair public square!───安徽省五河县青年圩广场!

Anhui s home - grown champions, such as Chery Auto, are also expanding.───安徽土生土长的公司, 像是吉利汽车, 也在扩展壮大.

These factors restrict the economy develops of AnHui province in vary degrees.───这些都不同程度地制约或影响了我省经济更快、更好地发展.

Research on Industrial Structure of Anhui Province and Its Relative Superiority Alteration.───安徽省工业结构及相对优势变动研究.

Tao Tianyue was born in Anhui province in 1931.───陶天月,一九三一年生,安徽人.

Authors: Task Group of Juvenile Legal Seminar of Anhui Lega.───作者: 安徽省法学会青少年法律研究会课题组.

Hefei GewaFood Company Limited located in the scenic city of Anhui Province - Hefei.───合肥歌娃食品有限公司座落于风景优美的安徽省会城市 —— 合肥市.


A new record of the Verbenaceae from Anhui.

Anhui Cuisine Anhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing. Often hams will be added to improve taste and sugar candy added to gain.

In Anhui Province, the water level of Chaohu lake, the country's fourth largest freshwater lake, barely reached 12.14 meters, which is nearing what is referred to as the "dead level".

EPA issued a notice of Anhui, Chaohu outbreak of cyanobacteria may face.

Anhui officials produced impressive statistics for the decline in infant mortality in the county visited.