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时间:2022-09-29 04:03:15 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2436字


Be aggrieved


受屈───Be aggrieved


Not a night for Capello to preen; he will be aggrieved his team were so slow to take control.───这不是一个可以令卡佩罗得意洋洋的夜晚,他会为自己的球队如此之慢才控制局势而苦恼。

But there was one group that had good reason to be aggrieved: members of the former KGB.───但有一群人很有理由感觉愤愤不平:前克格勃成员。

Or I will be aggrieved bar outside the classroom!───或者我会委屈的跑出教室吧!

I could feel his vanity at work, but also to see if he seems to be aggrieved look, so, I asked: "Did not you guide him? "───我能感觉了他的虚荣心在作祟,也能看他似乎很委屈的样子,于是,我笑着问:“你难道没指导他吗?”


Stipulation. As to the buyer, his rights are apt to be aggrieved by disadvantageous clauses addition to the installment contract concluded by predominant seller.