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时间:2022-09-30 04:01:04 作者:语文迷 字数:3303字






It may also occur among totally unrelated forms that compete for the same resource, such as seed-eating rodents and ants.───它也可能发生在完全不相关的、争夺相同资源的组织中,比如以种子为食的啮齿动物和蚂蚁。

Rodents had overrun a posh private school near New York City.───啮齿类动物在纽约市附近的一家时尚的私立学校泛滥成灾.

Objective To discuss the techniques and methods of rodents killing - and - out small - scale ships.───目的探讨进出境小型船舶灭鼠的技术和方法.

Effect of rodents on seed dispersal and survival of wild apricot ( Prunus armeniaca )───鼠类对山杏 ( Prunusarmeniaca)种子扩散及存活作用研究(英文 )

Humans who winter over live like rodents in burrow - like stations . Outside work is often impossible.───在这里过冬的人们像啮齿类动物那样,生活在洞穴般的考察站内,常常不可能在室外工作.

For example, small diurnal rodents eat berries, nuts, leaves, fruit, seeds, and insects.───例如, 昼出的小啮齿动物采食浆果 、 坚果 、 树叶 、 果实 、 种子以及昆虫.

To reduce the breeding grounds for lice, fleas and small rodents.───为了减少虱子 、 跳蚤和小型啮齿动物的滋生地.

Carried by fleas from rodents to humans, bubonic plague cannot pass from human to human.───携带经由跳蚤从啮齿动物到人类, 腺鼠疫不能通过人传人.


They're rodents - like rats, only with bushy tails.

Snakes were gorged with small rodents in preparation for their winter hibernation.

Owls prey on small rodents.

Many small birds and rodents fall prey to the domestic cat.

Rodents carry diseases and are generally regarded as pests.