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时间:2022-09-30 08:05:19 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2572字


good service


服务───service;优质───high quality


We guarantee (an) excellent service.───我们保证提供优质服务。

You have rendered great service.───你们帮了很大的忙.

The service in this hotel goes from bad to worse.───这个旅店的服务每况愈下.

He joined the diplomatic service in 1943.───他于1943年进入外交界工作.

A flying doctor service operates in remote regions.───在偏远地区有飞行医生服务。

Its poor service gave the restaurant a bad name.───这家餐馆的服务差,名声很坏.

He bitched about the service, then bitched about the bill.───他埋怨服务不周到, 后来又埋怨要钱太多.

She conceded just three points on her service during the first set.───她在第一盘自己的发球局仅失了3分。


The bus service has been cut to the bone.

The prison service is badly overstretched.

Most restaurants add a 10 per cent service charge.

The prison service is already under considerable strain.

The commercial telephone service was no longer operative.