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时间:2022-10-01 00:04:36 作者:学习啦 字数:2592字


Send it home


回家───get home;送───give


Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.───来吧,小伙子。你该回家了。

I'll telephone you as soon as I get home.───我一到家就给你打电话。

We waited for Mom and Dad to get home.───我们等爸爸妈妈回家。

He was impatient to get home.───他迫不及待想要回家。

In the after years the sailor did not get home often.───在往后的几年里这个水手经常不回家.

The hundred metres champion managed to get home by a second.───这位百米赛冠军好不容易领先一秒到达终点.

When I get home from work I like to relax with the newspaper.───我下班回到家里,喜欢看看报纸,放松一下。

In a pinch, you could get home on foot.───在万不得已时, 你可以步行回家.


This is Gary of ABC. Pls call me when you get home. My number is 1234.

There's a storm coming on. We'd better get home.

The kids tend to raid the fridge when they get home from school.

What time did you get home last night?

I'll give you a ring once I get home.