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时间:2022-10-01 04:00:06 作者:星火作文 字数:2438字


Nanhua University


南华大学───Nanhua University


Professor Wen Gebo, President of Nanhua University, studies as an advanced visiting scholar in Manitoba University, Canada.───校长文格波教授在加拿大曼尼托巴大学做高级访问学者。

Mr. Zhou Jue ( middle ), Deputy Secretary- General of the Standing Committee of NPC, inspects Nanhua University .───全国人大副秘书长周觉(中)视察学校。

Major General Qu Weiping (left), Political Commissar of the First Base of Naval Submarine, presents gifts to Nanhua University.───海军潜艇第一基地政委曲卫平少将(左)与学校互赠礼品。


"Nowadays more people are willing to discuss death, make their wills and plan their funerals ahead, " said Yang Kuo-chu, a professor at the Department of Life-and-Death Studies at Nanhua University.

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