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时间:2022-10-01 04:02:13 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2806字


A synopsis


节叙───A synopsis


Provide a synopsis of their written submission.───提交一份其书面材料的大纲。

Recall that this feed provides only a synopsis to the user.───别忘了,此提要只为用户提供一个梗概。

Listing 2 shows a synopsis of the Bus version of the client.───清单2显示了客户机总线版本代码的大致内容。

He gave us a synopsis of what he proposed to discuss with Pompidou when he stopped in Paris on the way home.───他交给我们一份他在回国途经巴黎时准备同蓬皮杜讨论的问题摘要。

Entrants had to be published authors, put forward by a literary agent or a publisher, and had to submit both a synopsis and a trial chapter.───应征者必须曾通过出版社或出版社发表过自己的作品,才能把自己对这个故事的内容梗概和一个样章送去参选。


There is a Synopsis definition on political philosophy and a slightly describe the scholarship value of Tawney.

Please write a synopsis of the story, not more than 100 words long.

An abbreviated list as of contents; a synopsis.

That too is a relevant question, so, following is a synopsis of my credentials in that respect.

Full or partial content RSS 2.0 has a element that can contain either the full text or a synopsis of an entry.