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时间:2022-10-01 08:03:12 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2479字


Sour beans


酸豆角───Sour beans


Make bean tacos by substituting black beans for beef (or at least for part of the beef). Great with grated cheese, tomatoes, avocado, sour cream and chopped lettuce!───制作玉米面豆卷的时候,用黑豆代替牛肉(或至少部分牛肉),再加上磨碎的奶酪、西红柿、鳄梨、酸奶油和切碎生菜,就可以啦!

Preserved eggs, smelly Tofu, sour beans, salty fish are familiar to Canton gourmets but definitely not to wines.───是一次奇妙的餐酒搭配历险记,食物的主角分别是咸鱼、皮蛋、酸豆角、咸菜、泡菜、臭豆腐!

In addition, if baked beans out of the oil, then that has changed, not only alcohol was reduced, and there will be astringent and sour.───此外,如果烘焙的豆子出油,则表示已经变质,不但香醇度降低,而且会出现涩味和酸味。

Braised cyprinidae fish with sour beans───酸豆角焖禾花鱼

Fish Noodles with Tomato and Sour Beans───番茄酸豆鱼面

ed Sour Beans with Minced Pork Hot Pepper───酸豆角肉沫
