Black wave
黑波───Black wave
The Kingfisher rises out of the black wave like a blue flower," wrote poet Mary Oliver, paying tribute to the dashing river bird on its feeding rounds.───黑色的波浪里开出蓝色的花,那是小翠蹿出的身影。”诗人玛丽·奥利弗这样赞美哺育期的翠鸟。
How I'm being drowned by some kind of black wave.───我正怎样被淹死通过某种黑色的波。
earthquake has gone, leaving desperation in it's path. The few survivors will probably be praying for salvation. Now another black wave erupts from the portal.───地震结束了,就在劫后余生的人们无助地哭喊,乞求上天的时候。第二道黑色能量波从异界之门出现。
I closed my eyes then, and after a while the ornithologists drifted away, their pale faces bobbing up and down on the black wave of fever.───我当时闭着眼。过了片刻,那些鸟类学家逐渐离去。我发着烧,在昏睡中就觉得他们那苍白的脸在黑色浪涛里上下摆动。
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