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时间:2022-10-01 16:04:33 作者:星火作文 字数:2777字


Third, second


第三二───Third, second


Ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.───排在第二位和第三位的是杂货和电子产品客户。

For the first time in the World Cup finals, lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third.───世界杯决赛中首次由抽签决定谁将获得第二名和第三名。

This is the second [or third] skunk we've got.───这已经是我们捉到的第二[或第三]只臭鼬了。

Long-term since, the world market in the United States as the separators first, Japan, China, Europe's third second fourth.───长期以来,世界磁选机市场中美国居第一,日本第二,欧洲第三,中国第四。

The members of SOLDIER were specially trained, elite fighters divided into Third, Second, and First Class branches.───对士兵的成员是受过专门训练的精英战士分为三,二,和头等舱分支机构。

In developed countries, obviously, it is: "third second first" . The development of KIBS is the result as well as the drive of economy.───发达国家的产业结构呈现出明显的“三、二、一”的特点,知识密集型服务业成为经济发展的结果和驱动力。


The man over to the left is the third second baseman.