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时间:2022-10-01 20:01:58 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2845字


in the hope of


以期───in the hope of


Gary decided to break his silence about his son's suffering in the hope of helping other families.───加里决定对儿子遭受的痛苦不再保持沉默,以期望能帮助其他家庭。

He became a monk in the hope of delivering all beings from torment.───他出家为僧,一心想普度众生.

Investors are pouring funds into the region in the hope of better returns.───投资者正将大量资金投入亚太地区,以求得到更高的回报.

They have come to the North Africa in the hope of finding treasure.───他们为寻宝而来到北非.

Undaunted, the new management began spending anew in the hope of setting things to rights.───毋庸置疑的是, 新的管理层已经开始新的投资以期让公司重振旗鼓.

Undaunted, Killarney's friends keep updating her online profile in the hope of finding her Mr Right.───不过基拉尼的朋友们可丝毫不气馁,为了给基拉尼找到“如意郎君”,他们坚持更新基拉尼的在线档案.

She is going to drag out the engagement, in the hope of making me relent.───她想把婚约拖下去, 打算这样来使我让步.

The entrepreneur takes business risks in the hope of making a profit.───企业家为追求利润而冒险.


The entrepreneur takes business risks in the hope of making a profit.