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时间:2022-10-02 04:02:33 作者:趣历史 字数:2670字


A small bowl


小碗───Small bowl;一个───One


Put powdered sugar in a small bowl.───把糖粉放在一个小碗里。

food in the small bowl is too little for Papa.───小碗里的食物对爸爸来说太少了。

Mix the sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.───把酱汁原料混合备用。

Put the dark chocolate into a small bowl and melt it in the microwave.───把黑巧克力放入小碗中,放入微波炉中熔化。

She was sitting on the floor on her green shawl, with her property all around her. In her hand was a small bowl, which she was polishing.───她坐在铺著绿色披巾的地上,工具散放在四周,手中则是她正在抛光的小碗。

She started her day with a piece of fruit and a small bowl of cereal and quit eating doughnuts at the office.───她每天起来先吃一片水果和一小碗麦片,在办公室时也不再吃甜甜圈了。


In a small bowl, combine sauce ingredients.

Cream the margarine in a small bowl, then sieve the icing sugar into it.

In small bowl, lightly beat eggs.

She poured the leftover liquid into a small bowl.

In small bowl, mix together oil, garlic and salt.