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时间:2022-10-02 04:04:37 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3171字


Hard seat


硬座───Hard seat


She’s splashed out 156 yuan for a hard seat on a train, instead of a bus, so she can travel home with one of them.───为了与一位工友顺路同行,她大方地花156元买了一张硬座火车票,没选择更便宜的长途客车。

They are called hard - seat car , soft - seat car, hard - berth sleeper and soft - berth sleeper.───列车员:不,它们称作硬座 、 软座 、 硬卧和软卧车厢.

A hard - seat car is a car with semi - cushioned seats.───列车员:硬座车是带硬垫座位的车厢.

There are four classes on the train: soft berth, sleeper soft seat, hard seat.───火车分为软卧 、 硬卧、软座 、 硬座四个级别.

Sleeper or hard seat?───卧铺还是硬座?

Note: 1 your college admission notice can buy price tickets, but only hard seat.───注: 1)用你的高校录取通知书可以买到半价的车票, 但只限于硬座.

Through the intercarriage window, he sees a crowded hard seat car, hot, boisterous, and noisy.───透过车厢间的窗户,明看见隔壁的硬座车挤满人,闷热的车厢里倒竟十分热闹。

No. They are called hard - seat car , soft - seat car, hard - berth sleeper and soft - berth sleeper .───列车员:不,它们称作硬座 、 软座 、 硬卧和 软卧 车厢.


Note: 1) your college admission notice can buy half-price tickets, but only hard seat.

And perhaps the most memorable of all was the man who smoked with a long black cigarette holder and defused a potentially violent situation on an arduous overnight hard seat trip.

Note: 1 your college admission notice can buy price tickets, but only hard seat.