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时间:2022-10-02 08:05:22 作者:学习啦 字数:2516字


Old gun


老枪───Old gun


Well, son of a gun—and I thought the old guy couldn't dance!───嘿,好家伙—我还以为那老东西不会跳舞呢!

Ah, old lady," said Peter, hanging up his gun.───啊,老太太。”彼得说着,把他的枪挂起来。

Frank, you old son of a gun—I haven't seen you for months.───弗兰克,老哥们儿—好几个月没见你了。

Standing near the shores of the Mediterranean, the 23-year-old, gun slung over his shoulder, concedes it is not all over yet.───这名23岁的男子站在地中海岸边附近,他斜背着一支枪,他承认还没有完全结束。

They travelled on through the winter and met nobody, but once they found an old wooden house, with an old gun in it.───他们跋涉了整整一个冬天,没有碰到一个人。但是他们曾经发现过一座古式的木屋,还有屋内一杆旧枪。


I cocked the old gun and squeezed the trigger, and it just went forward too slowly to fire a round.

Grandpa's old gun kicks badly.