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时间:2022-10-03 04:04:10 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2598字


Leg bleeding




No preoperative bleeding or airway swelling was noted in any patient.───没有任何患者在围手术期观察到出血或者呼吸道肿胀.

I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.───我可不是只说不做的自由主义者。

The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding.───护士压住他的胳膊止血。

I bound the cloth around my head to stop the bleeding.───我将布裹在头上止血.

Complications of gastric ulcers ( either benign or malignant ) include pain, bleeding, perforation, and obstruction.───胃溃疡的并发症 ( 良性或者恶性 ) 有疼痛, 出血, 穿孔和梗阻.

We could see the oil bleeding out from the joint.───(那时)我们可以看出油从接缝处渗出.

He was bleeding profusely.───他在大出血。

Press firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding.───用力压住伤口止血。


Your nose is bleeding.

The blood coagulates to stop wounds bleeding.

I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.

His head had struck the sink and was bleeding.

His wound is bleeding.