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时间:2022-10-03 12:00:46 作者:趣历史 字数:2436字


Fever clinic


发热───fever;门诊───Outpatient Department


They have lost their only son through scarlet fever.───他们失去了独生子,他是患猩红热死的.

Andrew raved all night in his fever.───安德鲁发烧时整夜地说胡话.

Has the child rallied from her high fever yet?───这个女孩的高烧退了 吗 ?

He's been a lifelong sufferer from hay fever.───他终身患枯草热.

He had an earache and a fever.───他耳痛,发烧。

Fever is one manifestation of cold.───发烧是感冒的一种表现形式.

During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration.───发烧时,大量水分会通过排汗而丧失。

The girl's forehead was flushed with fever.───由于发高烧,女孩的额头都红了.


Feed a cold and starve a fever.

She had a very high fever.

I have a bit of a fever.

I think I have a fever.

Scales of skin peel off after scarlet fever.