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时间:2022-10-03 12:03:50 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2631字


Reading newspapers with foreigners




I felt out of place among foreigners.───在外国人当中我感到不自在.

The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.───周末右翼分子对外国人的攻击最终演变成了这场骚乱。

Foreigners unfailingly fall in love with the place.───外国人都爱上了这个地方。

Her contempt for foreigners was obvious.───她对外国人的蔑视显而易见.

This was a forbidden area for foreigners.───这是一个禁止外国人入内的地区。

He seems to have had a way with foreigners.───他似乎天生就善于和外国人交往。

Entrance to the place was then forbidden to all foreigners.───那时任何外国人都禁止进入该地.

The natives look down their noses at foreigners.───这些本地人看不起外国人.


I felt out of place among foreigners.

Many foreigners were interned for the duration of the war.

Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.

There have been several attacks on foreigners recently.

He has a distrust of foreigners.