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时间:2022-10-03 16:03:31 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2359字


Self sufficiency rate


自给率───Self sufficiency rate


Based on his calculations, Mr. Brown suggests that China will only be able to achieve a self-sufficiency rate of 41%.───根据布朗的计算,他说中国的粮食自给率只能到达41%。

China endeavors to increase its grain production, its self-sufficiency rate will be above 95 percent under normal conditions.───中国将努力促进粮食增产,使粮食自给率在正常情况下不低于95%。

If the self sufficiency rate of grain is 90% in our country, then we will have 134 million people, which is equivalent to a Japan or Russia, relying on imported food.───假设我国的粮食自给率为 90% ,那末中国大陆将有 1.34 亿人口的吃饭问题依赖进口,这相当于一个日本或者俄罗斯。

Rapid corporate resources to enhance self-sufficiency rate, the new energy business is the bright spot.───公司资源自给率快速提升,新能源业务是亮点。
