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时间:2022-10-04 00:05:08 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2909字


Not in place


不到位───Not in place


The kind of causal connection between the speaker and the object referred to (Neo) is just not in place.───说话者和被论及的事物(Neo)间的这种因果关系显然不合适。

It means preventive controls were either not in place or not used effectively.───它表明预防控制措施没有到位,或者没有发挥好作用。

We found that in many countries, the laws necessary to protect people are either not in place or are not comprehensive.───我们发现,在许多国家,对人们带来保护的必要法律要么不到位,要么不够全面。

In four of these areas the decline was much steeper than in comparable parts of the city where Operation Ceasefire was not in place.───其中四个地区的下降幅度远远超过没有执行“停火行动”的同类地区。

Whether it is a market, government researchers, seem to have common expression of price regulation is not in place.───无论是市场、政府还是研究者,似乎都共同表达了房价调控还未到位的声音。


Whether it is a market, government researchers, seem to have common expression of price regulation is not in place.

The salary cap was not in place when Jimmy was riding high in Dallas.

Also, the controls are not in place to measure and respond to the unpredictability.

Training unit quality control is lax, career guidance is not in place.