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时间:2022-10-04 00:05:35 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2697字


Information technology course




The required technology is probably still two years off.───所需技术可能还要两年才能开发出来。

Technology is changing fast.───技术日新月异。

Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded.───据说为研究和技术方面提供的经费严重不足。

We lead the way in space technology.───我们在航天技术方面处于领先地位。

The rise of computer technology has transformed industry.───计算机技术的兴起已经使工业为之改观.

Many technical experts at the time had doubts about the technology.───当时,许多技术专家对那种工艺抱有疑问。

Many people call the age we live in the age of technology.───许多人把我们所处的时代称为技术时代.

This technology is still in its early stages .───这项技术还处于其早期开发状态。


Inventions typically involve minor improvements in technology.

Technology has turned the world into a global village.

Modern technology is amazing, isn't it?

Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things.

This technology is bang up to date .