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时间:2022-10-04 04:03:48 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2640字


Be considerate


矜谅───Be considerate


You be considerate of others'situations when choosing a present.───选择礼物时你应该谨慎的考虑其它的状况.

Be patient to customers, and be considerate in work and in service.───能够耐心的对待用户 、 细致的开展工作与服务.

When we fix the apartment, we be considerate of our neighbors.───我们装修公寓时, 必须为邻居考虑.

Be considerate toward the poor.───应常为穷人着想.

Remember be considerate of everyone's feeling now.───请记住,你要顾及到每个人的感觉.

I've always understood one should try and be considerate of other people.───我一向明白,人应该努力体谅他人.

We should be considerate of the comfort of old people.───我们应当为老年人的舒适着想.

You be considerate of me very much too!───你们也会很体谅我!


You be considerate of others'situations when choosing a present.

You be considerate of me very much too!

Be considerate towards the poor.

Be considerate toward the poor.

I've always understood one should try and be considerate of other people.