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时间:2022-10-04 08:05:06 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3059字


Simple clothes


琐服───Simple clothes


They wear simple clothes and shun modern contrivances.───他们穿着简单,避免了现代装束。

Plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.───朴素的服装适合在学校里穿。

They only buy me simple clothes .───他们只给我买简单的衣服。

We believe in hard work, plain food, simple clothes and no luxury of any kind.───我们信仰的是刻苦耐劳、节衣简食,无任何奢侈可言。

The men dress as an example, many people no longer seeking professional side type to wear a full set of clothes to wear simple clothes.───以男士衣着为例,许多人在求职业面式时不再穿全套的衣服,改穿简便衣服。

So be content with life- sustaining provisions and simple clothes, And be a loser when it comes to food, clothing and conversation .───所以只需要维持生命所需的东西和简单的衣服,面对衣食、交谈,不要成为一个胜者。


The utility model has the advantage that the clothes hanging rod of the simple clothes hanger can hang more clothes without breaking.

She died of strangulation and her neck broke. Wear simple clothes next time!

They wear simple clothes and shun modern contrivances.

With a simple clothes occupancy. Suit to Yantai out-of-town relatives, classmates together, review exams for postgraduate schools, commerce, tourism guests to smoke.

When designer Rei Kawakubo tucks pillows under blouses and shows her collection in utter silence, simple clothes become disconcerting theater.