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时间:2022-10-04 12:02:25 作者:星火作文 字数:2285字


Look at the words


看语───Look at the words


Secondly, look at the words and speak after the actors or actresses.───其次,看着台词,跟着演员说。

If you find a word you do not know, look at the words around it.───若有单词不懂,看看它周围的单词。

Look at the words in Part 2, and learn those in the 'Commonly used section'.───观察第二部分中的单词,并学习“常用的单词”一节中的单词。

When you do silent reading , try to just look at the words. Do not sound them out in your mind.───当你默读时,试着尽量的只看单词的意思,不要在你心里去读出来。

But you just have to look at the words around you and you'll find it.───而你只要注意周围的用词就可以找到它。

When you do silent reading, try to just look at the words.───当你做无声的阅读,尝试只是看的话。
