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时间:2022-10-04 12:04:41 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3080字


Main peak


主峰───Main peak


Finally they reached its main peak 4300 metres above sealevel.───最后,他们到达海拔4300公尺的主峰.

peak of the Himalayas is Mount Everest.───喜马拉雅山的主峰是珠穆朗玛峰。

Tsui Ping - day Fengling and is main peak of the Hengshan east peak.───天峰岭 与翠屏峰,是恒山主峰的东西两峰.

snowy main peak towers above all the others.───白雪皑皑的主峰高耸在群峦之上。

The snowy main peak towers above all the others.───白雪皑皑的主峰高耸在群峦之上.

Our main peak power micro marketing tutorial teach?───我们顶峰助力微营销教程主要教什么?

Its main peak, Tianzhu Peak, is 1 , 612 meters above sea level.───主峰(天柱峰)海拔 1612 米.

Finally they reached its main peak 4300 metres above sea - level.───最后他们到达海拔4300米的主峰.


LFR spectra include a main peak for stimulation in the red region, and a major peak for inhibition in the far-red region.

Qinglongshan main peak of 266.7 meters, has a long history in the northwest - southeast direction, like a lake into the water dragon, very spectacular.

Fagus lucida is mainly distributed in the southwest of the main peak, off the ridge mountain slope, reaching an area of nearly one hundred acres.

The 11 peaks in the Jade Mountains also include Mt. Jade Main Peak, North Peak and East Peak.

The highness and farness of the main peak emphasize a king of central value which is just the value shared by Chinese literati and that's the so-called world cares.