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时间:2022-10-04 16:00:50 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3162字


7 p.m. on Wednesday night


周三晚上───Wednesday night;七点───Seven o'clock


Bush will lay out his new policy for Iraq Wednesday night in a TV speech.───布什将在周三晚上的电视讲话中阐述其针对伊拉克的新政策。

It's responded to a fire on Wednesday night at an abandoned mall in Heywood.───它是对周三晚上发生在海伍德一家废弃商场的一场火灾的回应。

Yesterday London was playing catch-up after Wall Street's tremendous 500-point gain on Wednesday night.───星期三晚上华尔街获得500点巨长之后,昨天伦敦也开始了奋起直追。

So the failed uprising on Wednesday night, combined with the police's tape of her apparent plotting, is only likely to help Saakashvili.───因此,在周三晚上起义失败与警方的阴谋,她明显磁带相结合,只可能帮助萨卡什维利。

For now we do not know exactly what happened there on Wednesday night and are unlikely to find out for another 48 hours.───到现在为止,我们都不知道周三晚上到底发生了什么,估计再过48小时我们也搞不清楚。

Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez had one of his top scouts in Bari on Wednesday night to see Italy beat Scotland.───利物浦主帅拉法·贝尼特斯星期三晚上出现在意大利击败苏格兰的巴里赛场进行考察。


I'll ask Jane to babysit on Wednesday night.

On Wednesday night I had a very vivid dream which really upset me.

She then continued to Cheyenne, arriving late Wednesday night.

The match has been postponed from Wednesday night to Friday night.

On Wednesday night, Alou insisted he would play Friday.