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时间:2022-10-05 00:04:20 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3209字


First autumn


头秋───First autumn


This will be my first autumn spent at home during these 8 years.───这是我8年多来头一次在家里过的秋天。

When a student from a warm country like Vietnam comes to Canada in the autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first.───当一个来自像越南这样温暖的国家的学生在秋天第一次到加拿大时,他首先感觉到寒冷。

Most live for just a few months, and even the most pampered katydid will be silenced by the first autumn frost.───大多数只能活几个月,就连最受宠的蝈蝈也会在秋季初霜后不再发声。

Her first, Autumn, about a young girl growing up, was published in a national magazine, setting her career as "a wild artist" in motion.───第一首发表在国家级期刊上的诗《秋》写了一个年轻女孩的成长,而这也为她之后“原生态艺术家”(“wildartist”)的风格打下了基底。

It was Clifford's first autumn. One day, I put on a warm coat and took him to the park.───这是Clifford的第一个秋天。一天,我穿上温暖的外套然后带上他去了公园。

the first autumn spring two blossom, a red and white;───头年秋天到来年春天两次开花,一红一白;


Yet in the first autumn of the war he seemed neither a famous traitor nor an infamous war criminal.

The first autumn mists made it difficult to see the whole length of the reach.

Within days of the first autumn frosts a large brown patch of vines can be seen growing out from this area.

Shortly before the first autumn snows the flock is brought down from the high pastures.

Under his feet, fallen apples were mixed in with the first autumn leaves.