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时间:2022-10-05 04:01:02 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3035字


Lu an


路安───Lu an


Lu an Gua Pian is always imperial tribute article. It is honorable and abundant in culture.───六安瓜片历来是皇室贡品,尊贵传奇,具有深厚的文化底蕴。

introduce practice and experience of county hospital under Lu 'an People's hospital trusteeship.───介绍六安市人民医院托管县级综合医院的实践与体会。

Yiying lu, an artist and a designer in Sydney, Australia, has made a number of appealing illustrations, many featuring animals.───Yiyng Lu这位来自澳大利亚的悉尼的艺术设计师,创作了大量生动有趣的插图和形象独特的小动物形象。

Andrew Lu, an analyst at Barclays Capital, said there was no disagreement over strategy.───巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)分析师AndrewLu称,(各方)在战略方面并无分歧。

Lu'an House steamed wheat flour to groups, known as the "white group" , used in conjunction with each other gifts dumplings.───潞安府以麦面蒸团,称为“白团”,与粽子一起拿来互相馈赠。

Shangdang of Southeastern Shanxi had become a leading silk producer, with its famous "Lu'an Silk" once flourished.───北宋以后,晋东南一带(即上党地区)逐步成为山西丝绸的主要产地,并以著名的产品“潞绸”盛极一时。


Methods a cross sectional survey of 284 smoking households with a infant in the city of Lu an, in Anhui provinc was carried out, and urinary cotinine to creatinine ratios in infants were measured.