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时间:2022-10-05 16:04:15 作者:学习啦 字数:3521字


Facial features and limbs


五官───Facial features;四肢───limb


Your appearance will be more radiant with more symmetrical facial features.───你的外表会因为更对称的五官而更加容光焕发.

For example, Pithecanthropus erectus is depicted in an Indonesian museum with Malay facial features, because this corresponds to public perceptions.───例如,在印度尼西亚的一个博物馆里,直立猿人被描绘成具有马来人的面部特征,因为这符合公众的认知。

Helen's facial features bore a striking resemblance to her mother's.───海伦的面部特征与她的母亲十分相像.

His facial features were highly regarded by agents.───他的五官受到经纪人高度的关注.

The mother took DNA tests after noticing 11 - month - old twins Justin and Jordan having different facial features.───米娅发现11个月大的同胞兄弟贾斯汀和乔丹面部特征迥异,才去做了DNA测试.

Facial features are becoming slightly clearer. Shadows at night are leaping out.───人的面部特征他看的也越来越清楚, 并且晚上他能够看到影子.

We believe the large dose of minoxidil exaggerated the coarsening of facial features.───我们相信大剂量米诺地尔可以使面部轮廓增粗.

These animals don't have a sophisticated brain to recognize the slight differences between human facial features.───这些动物没有复杂的大脑来识别人类面部特征之间的细微差别。


Paint on other facial features and the suckers on the tentacles with black colouring.

Lip is one of the most important facial features, and plays key roles in a variety of fields such as audio-visual speech, authentication, lip synchronization, face recognition, etc.

Unique facial features, such as widely-spaced eyes, triangular face, low-set ears, and short-webbed neck.

Use the remaining icing to complete the facial features and to add pockets and a bow tie.

As time passed,his facial features receded from my mind.