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时间:2022-10-05 20:05:25 作者:星火作文 字数:2407字


I mop the floor


拖把───Mop;拖地───Mop the floor


It was you who spilled the milk; you'll have to mop it up.───是你把牛奶洒了一地, 你应把它擦干净.

She bought a new white mop.───她买了一个白色的新拖把.

Herbie took out a silk handkerchief to mop his perspiring forehead.───赫比掏出丝手帕擦去额上直淌的汗水.

Ann soaked up the water on the floor with a mop.───小安用拖把将地板上的水吸乾.

Butcher blinks, demur did not say, hand me readily mop, clinch a deal!───小贩眨了眨眼, 二话没说, 爽快地把墩布递给我, 成交!

John went to grab towels out of the bathroom to mop up the blood.───John跑到浴室拽出毛巾来擦血迹.

Fetch a cloth to mop up the spill.───拿块抹布把溢出来的东西擦掉.

Who be mop the floor?───谁在拖地板?


The hotel cleaner entered carrying a bucket and a mop.