How about something
They'll certainly accomplish something.───他们会搞出名堂来的.
Travelling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa.───他在非洲生活了多年,到欧洲旅行真是有点太平淡了。
She rifled through her clothes for something suitable to wear.───她急匆匆地在衣服堆里找合适的衣服穿。
There's something odd about the way that fellow is behaving . I am sure he's up to no good.───那个人形迹可疑,肯定要做坏事.
He did something contradictory to his orders.───他做了与他的命令不符的事.
This is something he can be reasoned into, given time.───如果有时间,这件事是可以劝他接受的.
Something dropped on the floor and rolled beneath the valance of the bed.───有一样东西掉到地板上又滚到床沿挂布的下面.
There's something funny about him.───他有点儿怪。
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