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时间:2022-10-06 12:03:40 作者:学习啦 字数:3025字






We favour the well - being and progress, not the annihilation, of mankind.───我们祈求的是人类的幸福和进步, 而不是人类的覆灭.

Quantum field theory maintains that all interactions arise from the creation and annihilation of particles.───量子场论认为,一切互相作用是由粒子的产生和湮没而引起的.

company has to be given credit for her ultimate annihilation.───公司曾经借贷给她,最后她被公司辞退。

In this sense war of annihilation is war of attrition.───在这点上说,歼灭战就是消耗战.

Will the mutual annihilation and conversion to pure energy destroy the world?───的相互湮灭会转化为纯粹的能量而毁灭世界吗?

If you value your lives over your complete annihilation, listen carefully, Leonidas.───如果你看重你们的生命,而不是一举被歼灭, 那就仔细听着, 列奥尼达.

In this sense war of annihilation is different from war of attrition.───在这点上说,歼灭战不同于消耗战.

It is a battle of annihilation , therefore we should do our utmost.───这场战役打的是歼灭战, 大家一定要全力以赴.


They were to surrender immediately or face total annihilation.

Their daughter was saving the planet from complete annihilation.

During the Cold War the threat of nuclear annihilation was always on people's minds.

The Zodiac was within fifty yards of annihilation.

The ememy was warned to capitulate or face annihilation.