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时间:2022-10-06 12:05:06 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2697字


Under a tree


一棵树───A tree;下───lower


The car hit a tree or something.───汽车撞上了树什么的。

He crashed into a tree in driving rain.───在暴雨中他撞上了树。

The car smashed into a tree.───汽车猛地撞到了树上。

They're not going to be near another laptop, so you have to nail these on to a tree, and sort of, get it.───他们不会总是在另外一个笔记本旁边,所以你必须把设备钉在树上,然后,某种程度上来说,建立这个网络。

Put him in a crowded room and he would blend into the background, like a camouflaged moth on a tree trunk.───把他放入拥挤的房间,他就会融入背景,就像树干上的伪装蛾。

The widow then told the elder daughter to go and gather some plums from a tree that she had planted herself, and was very fond of.───这寡妇叫大女儿去采些李子来。李子树是雪儿种下的,她非常喜爱这李子树。


A tree is known by its fruit. 

Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit. 

A tree must be bent while it is young. 

You cannot judge a tree by its bark. 

They lay down under the shade of a tree.