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时间:2022-10-06 12:04:50 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2442字


Good spirit


好气───Good spirit


So I bring you this message: Be of good heart: be of good spirit.───所以我要对你们说:要有好的心情,要有好的精神。

The good spirit thought about this.───善良的神仙想着这个问题。

So the good spirit collected wood every night.───于是这位善良的神仙每天晚上收集木柴。

i have always been granted to his head. grandma let me early, so that tomorrow can have a good spirit.───外婆就让我早早睡下,好让明天能有个好精神。

"Joe is a very good player, a very, very nice player. He has a good spirit and is good to any team on and off the pitch, " said Grant.───乔是个很优秀的球员,他真的真的很棒。他精神很足,在场上场下他能够造福任何一支球队。

More than two years experience in media or advertising sales, Good spirit of teamwork and strong sense of responsibility.───两年以上媒体或广告销售经验,具备良好的团队协作精神和较强的责任心;
